Feature Series

Brother of the Wind & the Pen

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For biker scribe Eddie ‘Sorez’ Pliska, poetry is as much about capturing his passion for the moto lifestyle and the raw energy of two-wheeled travel in prose, as it is about documenting determination in the face of the often-harsh struggles of life. He has had his fair share of both.

Here is December's exclusive piece, titled Jacob's Ladder ... a note to honor those around you, and, as the festive season descends upon us, to help those less fortunate.

Sorez has graciously agreed to pen some inspiration for the NYC Motorcyclist community each month. You can read more about Sorez in a feature NYC Motorcyclist published in the spring of 2018.

Jacob's Ladder

New York city streets
Filling with shoppers
Braving the elements
To score a good deal
Hustle and bustle
Blue light specials
Buying gifts without thought
It's that time of year
While the broken and homeless
Go without shelter
And their cups remain empty
As they stand there ignored
But down at the Javits
It's a whole different story
There's a buzz in the town
As bikers converge
Word on the street
Travels faster than sorrow
And cups runneth over
A few blocks from midtown
Moto brothers and sisters
Share a passionate lifestyle
Coming together
To celebrate life
Life in the Wind
Life's highway to ride
As bikers fill cups
Of the homeless outside

Eddie ‘Sorez’ Pliska

Other Recent Features:

1 Comment

  1. Rahoul Ghose, NYC Motorcyclist

    We are honored to have Sorez the Scribe join our team as a monthly contributor and hope his words add as much meaning to your lives as they do to ours.

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